
Automotive products



Cleaner driving for diesel vehicles |
A contribution to a cleaner environment

AdBlue® (AUS 32) is an aqueous urea solution comprised of 32.5% purified high-quality technical urea and 67.5% demineralized water. Cars and heavy trucks with an SCR catalyst can drastically reduce NOx emissions by using AdBlue® and thereby meet the goals set by the European Union for reducing CO2 emissions.

High quality


PokoChem AdBlue® is produced by Multihem Dooel and is standardized according to ISO 22241-1, meeting the high requirements for AdBlue®. The quality of our AdBlue® is audited by the VDA (Association of the Automotive Industry https://www.vda.de/en). It is important to be aware that some suppliers mix contaminated urea with tap water. This contamination damages the SCR system and voids the warranty on the diesel vehicle. The VDA certificate and ISO certification are vital to ensure the high quality and safe use of AdBlue®.

AdBlue® – globally registered trademark of the VDA.

Strict regulations for trucks


Road transport has a significant impact on the greenhouse effect. To reduce CO2 emissions, the European Union has implemented strict laws and regulations for heavy trucks. From 2025, emissions must reduce by 15%, and from 2030, by 30% compared to 2019 values. As a result, the CO2 emissions of heavy vehicles are regulated.

AdBlue® reduces harmful emissions by up to 85%, significantly contributing to achieving the set objectives. Diesel vehicles thus comply with European exhaust gas standards.

AdBlue® in large and small sizes

PokoChem AdBlue® is available in 10-liter canisters, 1000-liter IBC containers, and a 26000-liter tank truck. We can tailor the total quantity needed in consultation. We provide a quick customized quote, and once the order is approved, we deliver as soon as possible to any desired address in the EU.

How does AdBlue® work?


You can only use AdBlue® in diesel vehicles with an SCR catalyst. Never pour the AdBlue® directly into the diesel tank but always into a tank marked exclusively for that purpose. During driving, nitrogen oxide is stored in the SCR catalysts. At a specific amount of collected substances in the catalytic converter, AdBlue® is injected from the special reservoir, triggering a chemical reaction that converts the nitrogen oxides into nitrogen and water vapor. These substances are then released from the exhaust and are harmless to the environment.

Windshield washer fluid

Windshield washer fluid

Good visibility

PokoChem has a special windshield washer fluid for both summer and winter. These fluids are produced by our partner Texon D.o.o.. 

During the summer, insects and debris, such as dust and bird droppings, can obstruct vision. Auto glass summer care liquid effectively removes this debris, including insect residues, so motorists, truck, and bus drivers can safely drive on the road. The fluid leaves the vehicle’s paint, rubber, and plastic parts intact, spreading a pleasant scent.

The auto glass winter care liquid is also immediately ready for winter use. Ethanol and glycol protect the windshield washer system and pipes from freezing. In addition, the wiper fluid also easily removes brine, oil, and dirt so that visibility through the windows is optimal.

Want to request a quote?

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